Aaron & Sheyna Strommen, Solen, N.D.

(701) 290-7983

Maternal POWER® is a federally registered Trademark of Strommen Ranch and Strommen Ranch alone.

Hard-working, easy-fleshing, moderate-framed, maternally oriented ANGUS genetics backed by generations of Maternal POWER®.

Maternal POWER® is a federally registered trademark of Strommen Ranch.

Contact Information

Mission Statement

Our herd dates back to 1942 when Aaron’s grandfather, Ernest Strommen, bought his first registered Angus female. His herd consisted of moderate-framed, highly-fertile, low-input cattle that calved with little assistance and produced good milk in a grass-based environment. 

We are continuing that tradition, starting with two heifers from Grandpa’s last calf crop in 2001. This winter we will calve 200 head of Angus females we’ve selected for their fleshing ability on native range, fertility, longevity and sound udder and leg structure. To maintain their place in the herd, they must exhibit Maternal POWER®. Our cattle have to survive – and thrive – in a low-input, grass-based environment of the Northern Plains.

These cattle don’t live by a feed bucket. For the first 20+ years of our operation, we had no feed base and chose not to put up feed. Every acre of our land was grazed and we purchased all of the supplemental feed we needed to get through a typical North Dakota winter. 

This situation has quickly taught us the value of managing our natural resources so that our cattle can graze quality, un-harvested forages well into January or early February. And it has reinforced the value we place on cattle that successfully convert grass and forage into pounds of beef. 

It’s not enough to solely manage for forage production. Quality genetics – cattle that can efficiently convert forage into pounds of high-quality beef – are a critical part of managing for a ranch’s bottom-line.

Strommen Ranch cows are expected to wean stout calves that are a high percentage of their mama’s bodyweight, and the cows must maintain their flesh and re-breed quickly in the spring, preferably to select A.I. sires. Selecting for efficiency, fertility and longevity in the cowherd simply returns more dollars to our bottom-line and to our customers’. 

We feel fortunate that we can raise a family doing what we love to do most. We are hopeful that the management decisions we make today will enhance the next generation’s opportunities in both forage and beef production.