Hard-working, easy-fleshing, moderate-framed, maternally oriented ANGUS genetics backed by generations of Maternal POWER®.
Maternal POWER™ Angus Bull Sale
Saturday, Feb. 21, 2026
3 p.m. Central - At the Ranch - Solen, ND
100 Yearling and Two-Year Old
Angus Bulls
Maternal POWER® is a federally registered trademark of Strommen Ranch.
Maternal POWER® is a federally registered Trademark of Strommen Ranch and Strommen Ranch alone.
Badlands Angus Alliance
Bull & Bred Female Sale
Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2025
Noon Mountain - Stockmen's West - Dickinson, ND
60 Coming 2-Yr-Old Angus Bulls
650 Bred Heifers from our Customers
Aaron & Sheyna Strommen, Solen, N.D.
(701) 290-7983
About our Angus bulls for sale. . .
Maternal POWER™ Angus cattle are know for their fertility, longevity, sound structure and realistic performance in the cowherd - traits that, when combined, result in Maternal POWER®. In our development program, we also begin with the end in mind. We don't need to know which calf can eat the most - we need to know which calf can do the most in his natural environment. This helps us protect your investment in a Strommen Ranch bull.
In order for you to have a bull that lasts and has longevity, he should not be pushed at an early age. It is our intention to identify optimum gains. We allow the bulls to express their genetic potential without pushing so much energy through them that feet, hock or liver damage occur. Our ultimate goal is to have the bulls range-ready, sound-footed and ready to go to work for YOU!
We'll offer 110 yearling and 2-year-old ANGUS bulls in our Maternal POWER® Sale at the ranch and 30 coming two-year-old bulls through the Badlands Angus Alliance Sale in Dickinson in December.
All Strommen Ranch bulls are
We stand behind all of them with a strong "Brown Box" Guarantee (see catalog for details).
Join our mailing list and give us a call or stop by the ranch any time! (701) 290-7983.
Badlands Angus Alliance
Bred Female Sale
Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021
Stockmen's West, Dickinson, ND
500 Bred Females
Our program:
We raise Angus cattle that prosper in a no-frills environment. They are moderate-framed, very fertile, easy-fleshing productive cows with good feet, great udder quality and a quiet disposition.
A seedstock source with a no-nonsense, problem-free herd backed with Maternal POWER® is essential to help ranchers stay profitable.
Each year, we select a handful of proven, balanced-trait AI sires to use in our program. They must have a proven maternal lineage, come from highly productive mothers and, preferably, have daughters in production.
This is not a shoot-from-the-hip breeding program. By taking a balanced approach to genetic selection, we hope to manage our risk and help you manage yours.
Committed to our customers:
Each bull is backed by generations of Maternal POWER® and our industry-leading guarantee. As a Strommen Ranch bull buyer, you can take full advantage of our exclusive marketing resources: the Badlands Angus Alliance Female sales in December and January, and our Commercial Female List. Both tools expose our customers’ bred and open heifers to potential buyers.
We’ve built - and continue to build - a strong demand for Strommen Ranch-influenced commercial bred females that can generate a premium for our bull customers. We fully recognize that our future as a seedstock supplier is based on the success of our customers and we will work hard to help you succeed.